I picked up the AMNY paper this morning with a nice surprise on the front page! Bill Thompson, introducing himself to New Yorkers! Well, he has been doing so for years while he was working for the people of NYC. Thompson has been the Comptroller since 2002. He was reelected again in 2006. The Comptroller's office ensures and advises the Mayor's Office on the financial health of the City. If you have time, take a look at the paper to read about this potential candidate for NYC Mayor or any other candidates. Thompson has a very big mountain to climb in November's election for NYC Mayor against the current multi-gazillionaire Mayor Michael Bloomberg. You can decide if you need more information or not and probably form a basis if you agree with the candidate or not. Knowing more about the candidates who are running are a definite plus for you. It's better than gonig "eenie-meenie-miny-moe" when you walk into an election booth. You get to make this decision. Don't waste it!
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