What is going on? Now who's running the show in Albany? Last November, the New York State Democrats won the majority of the Senate. For the first time in a VERY long time (50 so years?). Last night (Monday, June 8, 2009), the Republicans attempted to take back power, with the help of 2 Democrats, Pedro Espada (Bronx) and Hiram Monserrate (Queens). There was a "roll-call" or vote on who was the majority. Both Espada and Monserrate voted for the Republicans and gave them 32 to 30 votes. The roll call vote started when the Democrats attempted to adjourn the session. Before the roll call ended, the Democrats turned off all the lights, computers, cameras, everything to show that the session has already ended, if the Republicans haven't gotten the message before. And you thought this tactic was only used in high school. But the Republicans continued to vote in the dark and declared Long Island Republican, Dean Skelos as current Majority Senate leader.
Former/current/something Majority Leader Malcolm Smith quickly released a statement that this is illegal. How did this happen? Without the people of New York voting? This is sending surprises and shock waves throughout the political field. This is mutiny of the Senate. Can this/will this dispute be taken to court? Yes. Does this need to be taken to court? Is this technically illegal? It's certainly madness. Some major bills at stake right now in the Senate, are same-sex marriage, tax increases, State budget, etc. Legalization of same sex marriage will almost certainly die within this Senate.
Why did Espada and Monserrate switch sides? They are still Democrats but are trying to help the Republicans gain control. I don't mind who takes control as long as the Senate is working for the people of New York. And stop playing games already.
What makes this even more curious is that Espada and Monserrate are under investigation. A non-profit agency, once ran by Mr. Espada, is being investigated. Money related. Espada was also being accused of not even living in the district he represented. Monserrate is being investigated for domestic assault that occurred last fall on his girlfriend. Something smells. If the Republicans take over, Mr. Espada will be the next in line for Governor because he will be assigned as temporary President of the Senate. All selfish reasons for power and money, not to mention getting off of investigations. Governor Paterson is rightfully furious at how this "coup" happened. It is "dysfunctional" indeed. One can't work without the other. The Governor, the Senate, the Democrats and Republicans need each other! Well, I think Espada and Monserrate should be thrown out already. First opinion is that they've switched sides and were at the front of the coup for their own personal agenda, not the state's. What makes the Republicans think they can't turn on them either? Seriously.