Maybe it's best to revamp the committee that is in charge. Because obviously the current ones can't make or implement any effective decisions. Do they even know how they went into a $300+ million deficit? There are major cuts in service and eliminations of bus and train lines, which if need be, New Yorkers can still handle...barely. I mean the G train can go. It only runs once a month to anywhere, anyway. But what is this bloody nonsense about taking away free Metrocards from students? They're joking. I don't understand or comprehend this. This should not even be an option. Were the repercussions of this even thought out? A majority of public school students come from low-income families and qualify for free lunch. Can they afford to buck out an extra $90 a month for each child that is attending school? Probably not. This will affect students' attendances because they can't afford to take a train/bus to school everyday. And let's face it, there are still many New York City schools that still need to work hard in getting our kids to even read properly. How is that going to happen when another incentive to show up to class is taken away. And if they jump the turnstiles, they'll get arrested! So are we trying to turn our kids into school skipping turnstile jumping petty criminals? Great. I guess money does come first.
UPDATE: As of 3:00 P.M., the MTA has apporved the budget which includes the "no more free rides" for students. The MTA will be holding public hearings on the approved budget before voting again. I'll check into that one.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Long Time No See's been a while! Too long. Sorry, got caught up! Which this blog should be a part of, with my political ambitions and all! Anyway, I just wanted to make a quick note.
RIP - Ted Kennedy. And if you haven't heard about this by now, I hope it's because you are from another planet.
I'll be back!
RIP - Ted Kennedy. And if you haven't heard about this by now, I hope it's because you are from another planet.
I'll be back!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Urumqi Unrest
The most Western and Northern part of China there resides a population consisting of a Turkic Muslim minority known as the Uighurs. The last few days it has also been a place of riots, violence, and unrest due to feuding ethnic groups. As of now, the count is up to 156 dead and thousands wounded. The funny thing is, people aren't even sure what started this. Some news medias stated that some protesting Uighurs (protesting something)became violent on some of the Han. Then yesterday, it was reported that as a response to the violence, some of the Han (majority population) Chinese has started to carry bats and machetes to beat and hurt anyone who crosses their path and is a minority. This is absolutely horrifying. What century are we in? As happy as I am living in my city,state, country and bubble, I try to remember that PLENTY of other regions and countries in this world are still different in terms of thoughts of human rights. To me, it's a no brainer. We're all humans. And these NUTSOs (I mean from both sides!) are wielding around bats and machetes to do what? What is there to gain? Nothing but more hate and death. Violence + violence = more violence. Absurd. Make room for an olive branch!
If you've been noticing, there has also been a degree of openness in information traffic. The Chinese government hasn't tried to block as much traffic(I said as much. I know they blocked Facebook.) of information as it used, too. It's starting to see that the world is getting smaller and smaller and communication and not isolation is key.
Today, President Hu Jintao sent in thousands of troops to handle this situation. Troops are urging people to stay home and stop fighting. They are protecting Muslim communities from crazy mobs and vice versa. Putting a crackdown and a curfew on the region helps stop the bloodshed for now, I hope. Drop that stick first, then we can talk.
Thomas Hobbes (Leviathan):
"No arts; no letters; no society; and which is worst of all, continual fear and danger of violent death; and the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short."
Friday, July 3, 2009
Bye, bye, Gov. Palin
Holy moly. On Friday, Alaska's Governor, Sarah Palin, just called it quits. She will step down from her post later this month and will not seek re-election. Lieutenant Governor Sean Parnell will be sworn in as Governor on July 26th. Sarah Palin shot onto the national stage as John McCain's running mate in the 2008 presidential election. She is also known for having an abode where you can see Russia from.
Governor Palin stated that since she is not seeking re-election she will be in the undesirable position as a lame-duck. So she's giving it to someone else. Yes, that is lame. The Alaskan Governor said that she is leaving because ever since she's been back from her VP campaign trial, her office has been bombarded with "frivolous" complaints and accusations. She thinks this will cause a waste of taxpayers' money. Her excuses are pretty frivolous.
The GOP said that they wished she didn't go but Alaska is still in safe Republican hands. The Democratic National Committee thinks it's a sham. The DNC said it is irresponsible of Palin to be stepping down from her post for the reasons she's given. She is leaving her constituents in the "cold." Either she has other personal agendas and being Governor is wasting her time or she is just not cut out for the job. Well, I think everyone (especially politicians) have personal agendas. I think it's great. We're meant to live, have goals, thrive and make the most of our lives. We're not meant to be couch potatoes.
But I think Governor Palin is running. As an elected official she should be expected to take complaints and issues, etc. She should have thought of these possibilities when she decided to be John McCain's running mate. If she can't take this as a Governor how did she expect to handle the possibility of being Vice President? Anyways, now she can focus on other things, whatever that may be.
Governor Palin stated that since she is not seeking re-election she will be in the undesirable position as a lame-duck. So she's giving it to someone else. Yes, that is lame. The Alaskan Governor said that she is leaving because ever since she's been back from her VP campaign trial, her office has been bombarded with "frivolous" complaints and accusations. She thinks this will cause a waste of taxpayers' money. Her excuses are pretty frivolous.
The GOP said that they wished she didn't go but Alaska is still in safe Republican hands. The Democratic National Committee thinks it's a sham. The DNC said it is irresponsible of Palin to be stepping down from her post for the reasons she's given. She is leaving her constituents in the "cold." Either she has other personal agendas and being Governor is wasting her time or she is just not cut out for the job. Well, I think everyone (especially politicians) have personal agendas. I think it's great. We're meant to live, have goals, thrive and make the most of our lives. We're not meant to be couch potatoes.
But I think Governor Palin is running. As an elected official she should be expected to take complaints and issues, etc. She should have thought of these possibilities when she decided to be John McCain's running mate. If she can't take this as a Governor how did she expect to handle the possibility of being Vice President? Anyways, now she can focus on other things, whatever that may be.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Pay Attention in Class
Yesterday, Mayor Bloomberg, along with all the borough Presidents, decided to go on and appoint a Schoolboard (close allies of the Mayor) and let Joel Klein continue to be the Chancellor. Mayor Bloomberg said that the issue of continuing mayoral control on NYC's public education system cannot be left floating around and unattended to in the chaos of the State Senate. That is why he and other elected officials are taking care of it instead. Because our children are important.
My friends, who are teachers in the system, gave me an overwhelming "NO" when I asked if they want mayoral control to continue. My friend, Miss C., goes on to explain her frustrations over our nachos and guacamole. I love guac.
Schools are closed for failing results, but they are closed too quickly. There was no chance and resources to let them improve. It is not a business, as the Mayor is approaching it as, but a school. Numbers are improving, students are passing, but at a cost. Smarter students are moved to a better school and failing students are moved to a failing school. Miss C. sees no advantage of leaving behind any student who is or in danger of failing in a classroom. She wants to continue to work with them until they succeed and not condemn them to failure only.
Having mayoral control and the No Child Left Behind Act also forces teachers to teach students how to pass exams. Teaching for this reason and not for their minds is not a success to Miss C. I don't think its a success for NYC students, either.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Albany-No chips for you!
During my commute home, a few days ago, I saw a parent getting frustrated with her screaming and crying child. The child didn't get the snack that he wanted. His mother first tried to explain to him why he couldn't have his bag of chips. He doesn't need more junk food and they were on the way home for dinner anyway. There was no need to spoil his appetite. Then the kid just screamed louder. Oh, boy.
His mother finally pulled him to the middle of the platform and told him, "You see all these people around you? Everyone is looking at you. And it isn't because you are doing something good right now." Then our ride arrived.
It has been 3 weeks since the Republicans staged a coup within the New York Senate. The Democrats and Republicans have been fighting for the majority with tactics such as turning off the lights, locking doors to the Chambers, pulling the power cord to the mic when someone is speaking, etc. Next up, a food fight in the Capitol's cafeteria. The whole state of New York is looking at its elected Senators and watching them duke it out in the spotlight of every major and local media outlet. And it isn't because they are doing a good job right now.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Later, King of Pop. RIP

Today was one of the rare days this June that NYC had a sunny one. I went out to happy hour(my specialty) with a friend and talked about life, work, love, friends and family over a Stella. Then a fellow happy hour lad said "Michael Jackson is dead." "I'm sorry. What? Have you been drinking a little too much?" Nope. Farrah Fawcett left us this morning and before the day's end MJ, too. I know this has nothing to do with politics, but hey, they were some part of everyone's life(people my age at least). It's all about Thriller and Smooth Criminal, yo. No denying Michael Jackson was special and a national treasure. Even though I thought he went nuts the last few years, he has accomplished so much and, no doubt, his art has contributed to our culture and our lives in many ways. It's shocking to see him go so young (at age 50), so sudden and so fast. It's still so surreal. His music (and moonwalk) will never die. RIP, Michael. Thoughts to his family, friends and fans.
S.C. Governor Found
Well. It turns out that Gov. Sanford was really up to no good. Sanford apparently went to Argentina to meet up with his mistress there. Where did the Appalachians come from then? His staff wasn't too sure but they gave the best answer, I suppose.
It started out as something suspicious and then it blew the doors wide open. Sanford should have mentioned that he was leaving the state and country, for one thing. Who knew he was also having an affair? Actually, probably a lot of people... just not the whole country. These things or getaways are personal, but as a head of state he should have informed his staff and Lieutenant Governor. As for his wife, that's between them. Now he joins the ranks of Gov. Spitzer, Jim McGreevy and Sen. John Edwards. The exposed ones at least.
It started out as something suspicious and then it blew the doors wide open. Sanford should have mentioned that he was leaving the state and country, for one thing. Who knew he was also having an affair? Actually, probably a lot of people... just not the whole country. These things or getaways are personal, but as a head of state he should have informed his staff and Lieutenant Governor. As for his wife, that's between them. Now he joins the ranks of Gov. Spitzer, Jim McGreevy and Sen. John Edwards. The exposed ones at least.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Wow. What job do you have to have to pull this off? SC Governor, of course!
So, for the last few days we seemed to have been missing a Governor. The South Carolina one, to be specific. Apparently he jetted off without telling anyone where! Not the Lieutenant Governor or even his wife. This situation set off a storm and frenzy in the news media of wondering where Gov. Mark Sanford was. His staff and family assumed he wasn't missing but knew instead that he just left. Like a bad break-up.
Well, it's one thing to want to get away and relax from work for a while. Trust me, I'm sure every working person knows that feeling. But as Governor, I think there's more responsibilities to leaving for vacation such as leaving a contact number or mention the area (don't have to be specific) that you will be going to and to actually tell people that you will be gone for a few days. Any normal person would do that. And you're the Governor for goodness sakes. As an elected official Sanford should've been more responsible because he is a leader of a state. His well being doesn't just belong to him anymore, but also to his constituents. After all this news hoopla, Governor Sanford called in to say he was hiking in the Appalachians(or up to no good). Next time he decides to go take a hike and find himself, he should tell his second in command, Lt. Gov. Andrew Bauer, and not let him find out from CNN.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
NY Senate's Problems and Al Sharpton
Why? Where did Al Sharpton pop out from? Oy. Anyways, so today Rev. Sharpton invited a few Democrat NYS Senators into a closed door meeting. Probably to give them a pep talk into how to gain the majority back from this madness and get working already. But I think this should be discussed amongst the elected officials(even though some are acting like children!) themselves and others within the NYS Democratic Party. Senator Espada (Dem), who will be President of the Senate and Lieutenant Governor if the Republicans have majority, is in no way backing down from this tug of power. Why should he? He gets the top spot if the Republicans win. Ai. It is expected that by Monday a deal will be offered from both sides. In the meantime, New Yorkers will continue going about their lives, and have another reason to not bother with politics.
Iran's Emergence
We are watching an uprising of the people of Iran who are saying that they have had enough and are not going to take it anymore. They will not go down without a fight or go quietly into the night.
Right up until the day of the Presidential election between the incumbent, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and Mir Hossein Moussavi, voters came out to show their hope and support. Ahmedinejad came out the winner. But many (enough to cause an actual uprising) demanded a recount and claimed fraud. It was not surprising that Ahmadinejad "won" the election. What was surprising to many onlookers from outside Iran was the reaction that came after. I didn't expect much ruffling of feathers because Iran's Supreme Leader(Commander-In-Chief of Iran's armed forces) supported Ahmadinejad's re-election. And the Supreme Leader's word is usually final. Moussavi's stance on key issues are pretty much the same of Ahmadinejad's, such as nuclear power and the non-recognition of Israel's existance (but does not exactly deny the Holocasut). Moussavi is more open in communications with the West and other powers and also supports having more rights for women.
Right now, there are millions of Iranians who are out on the streets protesting the election and demanding more accountability from the government. We might never know if whether the election was ever rigged or not. But Iranians are demanding more from their government and it seems they are getting it. The Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, stated that all who protest the election should go through the legal system and not cause any more violence. Also, there will be a recount of certain ballot boxes. It only seems like this on the surface. In the end this is still politics and a cat and mouse game. Many news and online sources have been banned or kicked out of Iran. We are relying on leaks from within the country but these reports cannot be verified. The number of casualties have also had fluctuating numbers from 7 to 30. Hopefully the violence and actual number of casualties have decreased. Violence is no answer to getting anything done or moving along. But, unfortunately, that is not the type of world we live in.
Right up until the day of the Presidential election between the incumbent, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and Mir Hossein Moussavi, voters came out to show their hope and support. Ahmedinejad came out the winner. But many (enough to cause an actual uprising) demanded a recount and claimed fraud. It was not surprising that Ahmadinejad "won" the election. What was surprising to many onlookers from outside Iran was the reaction that came after. I didn't expect much ruffling of feathers because Iran's Supreme Leader(Commander-In-Chief of Iran's armed forces) supported Ahmadinejad's re-election. And the Supreme Leader's word is usually final. Moussavi's stance on key issues are pretty much the same of Ahmadinejad's, such as nuclear power and the non-recognition of Israel's existance (but does not exactly deny the Holocasut). Moussavi is more open in communications with the West and other powers and also supports having more rights for women.
Right now, there are millions of Iranians who are out on the streets protesting the election and demanding more accountability from the government. We might never know if whether the election was ever rigged or not. But Iranians are demanding more from their government and it seems they are getting it. The Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, stated that all who protest the election should go through the legal system and not cause any more violence. Also, there will be a recount of certain ballot boxes. It only seems like this on the surface. In the end this is still politics and a cat and mouse game. Many news and online sources have been banned or kicked out of Iran. We are relying on leaks from within the country but these reports cannot be verified. The number of casualties have also had fluctuating numbers from 7 to 30. Hopefully the violence and actual number of casualties have decreased. Violence is no answer to getting anything done or moving along. But, unfortunately, that is not the type of world we live in.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Flippin and Floppin - Monserrate
Well, no one sure did see this coming (rolls eyes sarcastically). Mmm hm. This morning, exactly a week after he helped a coup of the NY State Senate, Senator Monserrate decided to go back and help the Democrats. This now puts the Senate at a 31-31 split. Well, my first reaction was "What the heck? Make up your mind! Either you're leaving or you're not!" I think the Democrats just made a better offer, than the Republicans, to Monserrate. Or an offer he can't refuse. He's stuck now. Monserrate lost a lot, if not all, credibility of being loyal to his party, to his district, to the Senate, etc. BUT, right now the Democrats need him to win back the Senate, and Monserrate needs them, too (for whatever reason). Tomorrow is another day in this craziness.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Where are the keys now??
It's been 3 days since the madness and upheaval occurred in the NYS Senate, in Albany. This morning, the Democrats has taken this Republican coup before a judge in Rensselear County. I think everyone is still baffled. Initially, the Democrats refused to hand over the keys to the Senate chambers to the Republicans. But yesterday, Democrat Pedro Espada (the one who switched sides to become President of the Senate) claimed to have the keys to the chambers anyway and will resume session today with the Republican majority. How did he get the keys? Espada said he had his ways. O.o WOW. Really? I can only imagine. Either way NYS politics is in chaos, and its about time something gets resolved because right now when we need them the most the light seems like it is at the end of a very, very long tunnel.
NYC Comptroller Bill Thompson on AMNY, Today

I picked up the AMNY paper this morning with a nice surprise on the front page! Bill Thompson, introducing himself to New Yorkers! Well, he has been doing so for years while he was working for the people of NYC. Thompson has been the Comptroller since 2002. He was reelected again in 2006. The Comptroller's office ensures and advises the Mayor's Office on the financial health of the City. If you have time, take a look at the paper to read about this potential candidate for NYC Mayor or any other candidates. Thompson has a very big mountain to climb in November's election for NYC Mayor against the current multi-gazillionaire Mayor Michael Bloomberg. You can decide if you need more information or not and probably form a basis if you agree with the candidate or not. Knowing more about the candidates who are running are a definite plus for you. It's better than gonig "eenie-meenie-miny-moe" when you walk into an election booth. You get to make this decision. Don't waste it!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Mutiny in New York State Senate
What is going on? Now who's running the show in Albany? Last November, the New York State Democrats won the majority of the Senate. For the first time in a VERY long time (50 so years?). Last night (Monday, June 8, 2009), the Republicans attempted to take back power, with the help of 2 Democrats, Pedro Espada (Bronx) and Hiram Monserrate (Queens). There was a "roll-call" or vote on who was the majority. Both Espada and Monserrate voted for the Republicans and gave them 32 to 30 votes. The roll call vote started when the Democrats attempted to adjourn the session. Before the roll call ended, the Democrats turned off all the lights, computers, cameras, everything to show that the session has already ended, if the Republicans haven't gotten the message before. And you thought this tactic was only used in high school. But the Republicans continued to vote in the dark and declared Long Island Republican, Dean Skelos as current Majority Senate leader.
Former/current/something Majority Leader Malcolm Smith quickly released a statement that this is illegal. How did this happen? Without the people of New York voting? This is sending surprises and shock waves throughout the political field. This is mutiny of the Senate. Can this/will this dispute be taken to court? Yes. Does this need to be taken to court? Is this technically illegal? It's certainly madness. Some major bills at stake right now in the Senate, are same-sex marriage, tax increases, State budget, etc. Legalization of same sex marriage will almost certainly die within this Senate.
Why did Espada and Monserrate switch sides? They are still Democrats but are trying to help the Republicans gain control. I don't mind who takes control as long as the Senate is working for the people of New York. And stop playing games already.
What makes this even more curious is that Espada and Monserrate are under investigation. A non-profit agency, once ran by Mr. Espada, is being investigated. Money related. Espada was also being accused of not even living in the district he represented. Monserrate is being investigated for domestic assault that occurred last fall on his girlfriend. Something smells. If the Republicans take over, Mr. Espada will be the next in line for Governor because he will be assigned as temporary President of the Senate. All selfish reasons for power and money, not to mention getting off of investigations. Governor Paterson is rightfully furious at how this "coup" happened. It is "dysfunctional" indeed. One can't work without the other. The Governor, the Senate, the Democrats and Republicans need each other! Well, I think Espada and Monserrate should be thrown out already. First opinion is that they've switched sides and were at the front of the coup for their own personal agenda, not the state's. What makes the Republicans think they can't turn on them either? Seriously.
Former/current/something Majority Leader Malcolm Smith quickly released a statement that this is illegal. How did this happen? Without the people of New York voting? This is sending surprises and shock waves throughout the political field. This is mutiny of the Senate. Can this/will this dispute be taken to court? Yes. Does this need to be taken to court? Is this technically illegal? It's certainly madness. Some major bills at stake right now in the Senate, are same-sex marriage, tax increases, State budget, etc. Legalization of same sex marriage will almost certainly die within this Senate.
Why did Espada and Monserrate switch sides? They are still Democrats but are trying to help the Republicans gain control. I don't mind who takes control as long as the Senate is working for the people of New York. And stop playing games already.
What makes this even more curious is that Espada and Monserrate are under investigation. A non-profit agency, once ran by Mr. Espada, is being investigated. Money related. Espada was also being accused of not even living in the district he represented. Monserrate is being investigated for domestic assault that occurred last fall on his girlfriend. Something smells. If the Republicans take over, Mr. Espada will be the next in line for Governor because he will be assigned as temporary President of the Senate. All selfish reasons for power and money, not to mention getting off of investigations. Governor Paterson is rightfully furious at how this "coup" happened. It is "dysfunctional" indeed. One can't work without the other. The Governor, the Senate, the Democrats and Republicans need each other! Well, I think Espada and Monserrate should be thrown out already. First opinion is that they've switched sides and were at the front of the coup for their own personal agenda, not the state's. What makes the Republicans think they can't turn on them either? Seriously.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Senator Schneiderman's New Location!

For those who live in Washington Heights, Riverdale and the Upper West Side, New York State Senator, Eric Schneiderman has moved! New location is at 5030 Broadway(between 213th and 214th Street), Suite 704. The phone # is (212) 544-0173. Senator Schneiderman was elected into office in 1998. Don't hesitate to contact his office! I interned there for a a few months and they get things done or try to give you the best they can. I think people don't use this resource, their elected officials, enough. People with actual issues and concerns, that is. And those who do contact legislative offices all the time with "issues", well, has too much time. But definitely give them a call if you are not sure who to contact, either. They work for you!
Update - Thompson v.NYC Water Board
On Sunday, June 7,2009, NYC Comptroller, Bill Thompson, issued a statement calling the possible 12 to 14% water rate hike "outrageous." Either way, there's going to be a hike. It is a matter of how much. The average amount paid by NYC homeowners is around $600 annually already. The Comptroller said this hike will increase that amount at least double. This is coming at a time when everyone is being taken 15 different directions more then before with the economic crisis looking over everyone. Although the Comptroller has issued a statement of opinion, we are waiting to see what actions/plans he has. Though, he has given suggestions to the Board already. We'll find out with our next bill.
U.S. Journalists Sentenced in North Korea
Euna Lee and Laura Ling, both American journalists, were found guilty this morning (6/8/09)by the highest court in North Korea of a "grave crime" towards the North Korean people. The highest court does not take appeals. Now it is going to become a humanitarian/political issue. Lee and Ling were by the China-North Korean border reporting on human trafficking when both were arrested in March. The only thing "grave" about this was that they had a camera on facing North Korea in an attempt to show what crimes of humanity were being done. It wasn't clear if they accidentally roamed onto North Korean territory or were grabbed by the border. Either way, today's sentence for both Americans was heartaching for their families and an obvious show of power to the U.S. for meddling in its nuclear business and its random missle firings over Asia, and journalists from around the world. The sentence is 12 years of hard labor where they are expected to "reform." That is if they make it out. This is supposedly the highest sentence that can be given. North Korean camps, "kyo-hwa-so," are rumored (since the country is isolated we can only hear stories of those who've escaped) to be under the harshest conditions of hard construction labor, beatings, starvation, and about half of the prisoners who go in never come out alive. I think for North Korea it wasn't as important that Euna and Laura were reporters comparatively to the fact that they were also Americans and were there at the time of higher tensions than before between the U.S. and North Korea. Both journalists will certainly be used as bait, a bargaining strategy, chips on the poker table being dangled in front of the Obama Administration. Pyongyang has made its bet. Now it is our turn.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Media Advisory - Thompson and NYC Water Board
On June 7th, NYC Comptroller, Bill Thompson,along with Assembly and Council members, will present a new plan to restructure the New York City Water Board. They will be presenting at 11 A.M. at City Hall Park, near the fountain. If you are in the area, please pass by to listen and see what is offered. This is a very important issue for all homeowners especially. Hopefully the Comptroller will have a plan that actually implement ideas and changes that we can see and feel in our wallets.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Elections and Speculations...just the beginning
Last night, New York Governor David Paterson said without a doubt that he will be running for governor next year in 2010. Paterson also said assuredly, that he is the only capable Democrat for this position in terms of winning the Democratic primary. So confident, so early in the game. But its good to have that view and not lose it. Every race/election is hard and up til the last minute, ANYTHING can happen. Such as the turtle and the hare, Hillary and Barack, Al and Norm (Minnesota), etc. And the possible people who might also run for NY Governor is Andrew Cuomo and Rudy Giuliani, according to NY1. Andrew Cuomo, the current State Attorney General, has always kept quiet whenever there are speculations of what post he will be running for next. And focuses on his current JOB instead! Thank goodness. Even when there were murmurs of him being offered Hillary's Senate position, he stayed out of the limelight and let Governor Paterson focus on his decision. And somehow Rudy's name joined the ring. I thought he was happy enough in the private industry. Rudy is famous worldwide and you always have to remind yourself that the highest political position he held was mayor. But being a NYC mayor is a job that crosses neighborhoods locally and internationally. We'll have to wait to see if any camps have any comments. The fun never stops.
Ringling updated...we think
So I was trying to grab some updates for the little town of Ringling that we've visited a few weeks ago, when its mayor and other major top spots had quit overnight. Sad to say, not much has changed since then (February 2009). There is a new police chief, Lee Aston, who is calling for help for his office. He is the only one answering to calls. Hopefully someone will answer his calls soon, too. We will stay tuned.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
What? Can you say that again?
Today, Texas State Representative Betty Brown made a statement that made me cringe. Although I am not surprised by this ignorant opinion, I am surprised that this came from a lawmaker who was actually serious about this issue and continues to defend it. Brown said, during a House testimony regarding voter identification legislation, "Rather than everyone here having to learn Chinese, I understand it's a rather difficult language, do you think it would behoove you and your citizens to adopt a name that we could deal with more readily here?" Oh. My. Dear. Why is this person a lawmaker for the United States of America? Ms. Brown made this comment during a testimony given by Remy Ko, who was representing the Organization of Chinese Americans on voter identification issues. Brown was asking an entire ethnic group to change their names(which cannot even be more than 2 syllables)to make it easier for poll workers to say. Now that should go down as one of the most absurd law ideas for this country of democracy, public education, tolerance, freedom of religion, Louis Armstrong and Spam. Brown claimed that the Democrats are putting her comments out of perspective and off topic from the real issue by turning it into a race issue. When it is suggested that a race have names that are too hard to pronounce and that it should be changed legally, then it is a race issue.
If you can't pronounce the name Remy Ko, then Ms. Brown, you are the one that needs to go back to school and learn how to sound out the English alphabet. And make it easier for Americans and your constituents to deal with you.
If you can't pronounce the name Remy Ko, then Ms. Brown, you are the one that needs to go back to school and learn how to sound out the English alphabet. And make it easier for Americans and your constituents to deal with you.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
L'Aquila, Italy
A 6.3 magnitude earthquake hit the city of L'Aquila, located in central Italy, on Monday morning. The number of casualties as of Tuesday, April 7, 2009, has reached beyond 200. Search and rescue missions are still ongoing. Please keep the victims and the thousands of people affected by this earthquake in your thoughts. There are local charities that are collecting donations and support for the victims of this earthquake located in Little Italy, Mulberry Street in Manhattan. Check out the Italian-American Museum. Thank you!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Oakland story continues
About 2 weeks ago, on March 21, 2009, there was a shootout in Oakland that resulted in the deaths of 4 police officers, and the shooter. This was one of the deadliest shootings in California's history. Officers Matt Dunakin(40), Ervin Romans(43), and Daniel Sakai(35) were killed during a routine traffic stop. Officer John Hege(41) was left brain dead and was taken off life support on March 24, 2009. The shooter, Lovelle Mixon(27) was actually wanted for violating his parole. Mixon was also a suspect in at least 4 rapes, a previous murder case, drug possession and theft. Officers Dunakin and Hege pulled Mixon over due to a suspicious license plate. Mixon then exited his vehicle and started shooting at the officers. Afterwards, Mixon fled on foot. Bystanders then ran to help the fallen officers.
SWAT officers found Mixon's location at his sister's home. There, Mixon fired a rifle and fatally wounded Officers Romans and Sakai. Mixon was then taken down in a barrage of gunfire.
The Oakland Police Chief, Governor of California, Mayor of Oakland and other community organizers thanked the 800 strong police force for protecting the citizens of Oakland during the officers' funerals. This tragedy surfaced questions and issues of the Oakland Police, again. A few months ago, I've written about how cash-strapped Oakland was that the Mayor, Ron Dellums, had to resort to letting go 69 city employees in order to hire 69 new officers. In addition, the parole system in Oakland is said to be inefficient. After the parolees get out, there is no sufficient way of keeping a close tail on at least the high risk parolees, such as Mixon. Violence and crime has continually increased in Oakland and it does not seem like it will stop anytime soon. This is also causing a strained relationship between the Oakland police department and the community. The city just cannot afford to provide the resources to keep its citizens and its employees safe. Everyone living in Oakland, knows someone who has been shot or killed. Let's hope in the coming future, that Oakland will get more then just a "good luck."
SWAT officers found Mixon's location at his sister's home. There, Mixon fired a rifle and fatally wounded Officers Romans and Sakai. Mixon was then taken down in a barrage of gunfire.
The Oakland Police Chief, Governor of California, Mayor of Oakland and other community organizers thanked the 800 strong police force for protecting the citizens of Oakland during the officers' funerals. This tragedy surfaced questions and issues of the Oakland Police, again. A few months ago, I've written about how cash-strapped Oakland was that the Mayor, Ron Dellums, had to resort to letting go 69 city employees in order to hire 69 new officers. In addition, the parole system in Oakland is said to be inefficient. After the parolees get out, there is no sufficient way of keeping a close tail on at least the high risk parolees, such as Mixon. Violence and crime has continually increased in Oakland and it does not seem like it will stop anytime soon. This is also causing a strained relationship between the Oakland police department and the community. The city just cannot afford to provide the resources to keep its citizens and its employees safe. Everyone living in Oakland, knows someone who has been shot or killed. Let's hope in the coming future, that Oakland will get more then just a "good luck."
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Hi Again
Hi everyone! Sorry for the lack of new information lately. I kept saying to myself, "Ok, update blog today, there's this and that that is quite interesting. Ok, maybe tomorrow." Yeah. And tomorrow became a month after my last post! I'll get down to business later today =) In the meantime, here's a picture to entertain yourselves with.

This picture was from a White Sox game I went to during the summer of 2008, in Chicago. An American pasttime. Are you ready for some baseball?
This picture was from a White Sox game I went to during the summer of 2008, in Chicago. An American pasttime. Are you ready for some baseball?
Friday, February 27, 2009
Everyone Quit...Really.
Would this be seen as irresponsible, selfish, last option or the right thing to do? This week, in Ringling, Oklahoma, all of the town's police force, mayor and city attorney have quit. How, what and why did this happen? This is like a story out of a movie. Ringling, Oklahoma was founded by John Ringling of the Ringling Brothers in 1914. It's a small town with a population of 1,200, a police force of about 10 and a tight-knit political community where everyone knows everyone. The former Police Chief, Jeremy Wilson, resigned along with his 8 other police officers after being on the job for less than 6 months. Mayor Jerry Reid followed resignation as well. Their reason is that the town is simply too corrupt. Ever since Wilson started his job, there have been some city council meetings on how the city can fire Wilson. Wilson and Reid claims that they have been targets because they were getting in the way of a few of the city's drug businesses. Wilson has stated that he and his staff have done all they can, and that this was the only option left. Leaving. For now, the Jefferson County Police Department is taking over until further notice. I think the Police Chief and Mayor are making a point and turning much attention towards the town of Ringling, as it needs, by quitting all together. This will put the town and it's officials into a spotlight and hopefully cause some good ruckus to get the town back to some sort of democratic shape. We'll see in the upcoming weeks as the truths start to come to surface how this will pan out.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Seeing Green ... Again
Mark Green announced his candidacy for the office of New York City Public Advocate on February 10, 2009. The Public Advocate is the one of the 3 top posts in the City (under the Mayor and next to the Comptroller; also next in line to succeed the Mayor). The Public Advocate is usually described as the "omsbudsman" of the City. He/she is the "watchdog" for New Yorkers and direct link between the people and the City government. So what is it about Mark Green running for New York City Public Advocate that's making people do a double take? Maybe because he was elected as the first ever Public Advocate (2 terms, 1994-2001)? Or maybe because the last time he ran for office and lost(the primary to Andrew Cuomo for State Attorney General in 2006) he said he would never run for office again? Mark Green has always been politcally active and is curerntly the President of Air America Radio. He's won primaries for the Democratic nomination in a few elections (such as the mayoral election against Mike Bloonberg in 2001), but never won the general election. He has also worked hard to support those who are running for office and shares his beliefs. Now that he is back in the "game" again, he has until November 3rd to convince New Yorkers he's good for the job. Again.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Just saying a goodbye
In the middle of the cold winter nights that are here with us now, I am sure that everyone longs for the day when we are able to pack away our bulky winter wear! Most everyone will welcome the summer days with wide open arms. The green markets will come back, the Naked Cowboy will be singing his tunes, the summer festivals will be packed, and the Coney Island hot dog competition will wonder if Kobayashi will ever leave. All these things/people will come back and maybe be better than ever, with the exception of Mr. Joe Ades. If you hang around Union Square or midtown often, you've probably met him before. He is the British vegetable peeler salesman. Mr. Ades always knows how to attract a crowd! And he only sells one kind of vegetable peeler that works very well, from what I've heard before. It's made in Switzerland. He always makes sure that you think of your friends and family when you you want to buy a peeler. And then you'd walk away with 4 peelers instead of one. He was quite the salesman. Not just any salesman, but a New York salesman (from the UK). I've always seen him around and I've always stopped for at least a minute just to listen to him even when I'm in a hurry. He always cracks me up, haha. I never bought a peeler from Mr. Ades, but am glad that many did. Mr. Ades died on Sunday, February 1, 2009 at the age of 75. He was a New York icon and he will be missed by many.
Joe Ades: You only want one? You have no friends!
Joe Ades: You only want one? You have no friends!
Monday, February 2, 2009
Bill Thompson, Candidate for Mayor announces Campaign Manager
Bill Thompson, the current New York City Comptroller, has just announced his campaign manager to lead his run for New York City Mayor. Thompson chose Eduardo Castell, a long time aide, friend and a current deputy comptroller. Mr. Castell will resign his current city position to take on the duties of campaign manager this week. I've worked with both Bill and Eduardo during Bill's re-election 2005 campaign for Comptroller and both are very dedicated to this city and to the people who work for and with them. Best of luck! I'll have more updates on this campaign soon.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Who's circus?
Today, Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich was unanimously impeached and ousted from office. Finally. Ever since the former Governor became under investigation in December for abuse of power, he has turned the political world into, what some may call, a circus. Blagojevich continued to appoint a replacement to fill in Obama's vacated Senate seat while he was under investigation. He also decided to attend a few talk shows in New York while his impeachment trial was going on in Illinois. Blagojevich finally decided to make an appearance and a statement saying he has been innocent all along and that he does not deserve to be removed from office. The Senate voted 59-0 to remove Governor Blagojevich. This vote included the newly appointed Illinois Senator, Roland Burris, who was appointed by Blagojevich. Overall, I do not think there was any politician in history that has shown such disregard for his own investigation or impeachment trial. But I think he did have more fun on The View than in front of the Illinois House.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Kennedy, Out!
Word has spread like wildfire that Caroline Kennedy has pulled out her bid to fill in Hillary Clinton's Senate seat due to personal issues. Many has questioned her experience compared to other potential candidates. Kennedy says her personal issues include the health and well being of her uncle, Massachusetts Senator, Edward Kennedy. Senator Kennedy had a seizure during the inauguration luncheon of President Obama. This news comes just days before Governor Paterson has to appoint someone to sit out Senator Clinton's seat. NY Attorney General Andrew Cuomo's camp has not made any comment since the speculations of his candidacy for this spot. He will be the front-runner to fill this Senate seat, but again, no speculations should be made. There are a few wild cards that the media has not considered. Governor Paterson has only mention some candidates but never mentioned who was a favorite or not. The way Governor Paterson has performed his job since he has taken over from Eliot Spitzer, I trust he will chose what is best for all New Yorkers. Either way, we will find out this coming Saturday.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Quick Update...
Hello! First, apologies for not updating especially when there has been so much happening within the first 2 weeks of the month of the new year! This post is going to be just a quick rundown of what has happened, thoughts, and updates. I will be back updating regularly soon!
Oakland, CA
A BART (San Francisco area public transportation) officer, Johannes Mehserle, fatally shot an unarmed young man, Oscar Grant, in the back, on New Year's Day. This incident was caught on video by many passengers waiting on the train. Protests ensued to end police brutality. Mehserle showed up in Nevada to avoid aggression to him and his family. He surrendered to the police and is currently charged with murder. Protests are on the rise and Oakland has hired private security guards to help quell the violence. Oscar Grant's mother has pleaded with the Oakland community to stay peaceful and stop the violence because it will only harm the community even more, which is something Oscar will not want.
NYC Firehouses
After a last minute City Council meeting regarding the firehouse night closures throughout NYC, its still closing. Fire Commissioner Nicholas Scopetta stands by these closures that will save the Fire Department roughly $9 million a year. Staten Island Councilman Oddo mentioned that if there were going to be any changes, then a City Council meeting would have happened earlier and not the day right before the closures are planned to happen.
NYC Comptroller Bill Thompson
Comptroller Bill Thompson(Dem) officially announced his candidacy for NYC Mayor on January 14, 2009. This will be a hard race to win with the popular incumbent NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg running for re-election for a third term. U.S. House Representative, Anthony Weiner is also a candidate for mayor for the Democratic ticket. It is too early to tell who will run on the Republican ticket, but Mayor Bloomberg might fill that position. The election will be held on November 3, 2009.
Hillary's Empty Seat
Now that Senator Hillary Clinton has become the Secretary of State, her position will have to be filled by appointment by New York Governor Paterson. There are at least two possible contenders. Caroline Kennedy (daughter of President John F. Kennedy) and Andrew Cuomo (son of NY Governor Mario Cuomo). With these political dynasties vying for one seat, it will be an interesting appointment for Governor Paterson to make. Hopefully, all New Yorkers will be in good hands. Caroline Kennedy is an attorney, and also acts on the boards of many non-profits, schools, and commissions. Andrew Cuomo is the current Attorney General of New York, who was elected in 2006. Cuomo has also served in President Clinton's cabinet as a member of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Also on a side note, Caroline Kennedy is the cousin of Andrew Cuomo's ex-wife. So this practically makes it a family affair.
Inauguration Day is Jan. 20th!
Parties and get-togethers are happening everywhere. Check out the local political groups (such as NY Young Democrats/Republicans). Also the local listings in your local papers. Many bars/lounges will also be celebrating.
Oakland, CA
A BART (San Francisco area public transportation) officer, Johannes Mehserle, fatally shot an unarmed young man, Oscar Grant, in the back, on New Year's Day. This incident was caught on video by many passengers waiting on the train. Protests ensued to end police brutality. Mehserle showed up in Nevada to avoid aggression to him and his family. He surrendered to the police and is currently charged with murder. Protests are on the rise and Oakland has hired private security guards to help quell the violence. Oscar Grant's mother has pleaded with the Oakland community to stay peaceful and stop the violence because it will only harm the community even more, which is something Oscar will not want.
NYC Firehouses
After a last minute City Council meeting regarding the firehouse night closures throughout NYC, its still closing. Fire Commissioner Nicholas Scopetta stands by these closures that will save the Fire Department roughly $9 million a year. Staten Island Councilman Oddo mentioned that if there were going to be any changes, then a City Council meeting would have happened earlier and not the day right before the closures are planned to happen.
NYC Comptroller Bill Thompson
Comptroller Bill Thompson(Dem) officially announced his candidacy for NYC Mayor on January 14, 2009. This will be a hard race to win with the popular incumbent NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg running for re-election for a third term. U.S. House Representative, Anthony Weiner is also a candidate for mayor for the Democratic ticket. It is too early to tell who will run on the Republican ticket, but Mayor Bloomberg might fill that position. The election will be held on November 3, 2009.
Hillary's Empty Seat
Now that Senator Hillary Clinton has become the Secretary of State, her position will have to be filled by appointment by New York Governor Paterson. There are at least two possible contenders. Caroline Kennedy (daughter of President John F. Kennedy) and Andrew Cuomo (son of NY Governor Mario Cuomo). With these political dynasties vying for one seat, it will be an interesting appointment for Governor Paterson to make. Hopefully, all New Yorkers will be in good hands. Caroline Kennedy is an attorney, and also acts on the boards of many non-profits, schools, and commissions. Andrew Cuomo is the current Attorney General of New York, who was elected in 2006. Cuomo has also served in President Clinton's cabinet as a member of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Also on a side note, Caroline Kennedy is the cousin of Andrew Cuomo's ex-wife. So this practically makes it a family affair.
Inauguration Day is Jan. 20th!
Parties and get-togethers are happening everywhere. Check out the local political groups (such as NY Young Democrats/Republicans). Also the local listings in your local papers. Many bars/lounges will also be celebrating.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Bowing Out
On a balmy Sunday afternoon, New Mexico Governor, Bill Richardson announced his withdrawal as candidate for the Secretary of Commerce in the upcoming Obama Administration. This is quite surprising. Governor Richardson states that the ongoing FBI investigation surrounding his administration will not end in time for the confirmation process required in order to take on the position of Secretary of Commerce. There is an investigation going on of a California company which have won municipal bond business in New Mexico. Bill Richardson had the background that made a good candidate to fill this position. The Secretary of Commerce is the head of domestic and foreign business industry. Richardson had an extensive background as Governor, energy secretary in the Clinton administration, and served as an U.N. ambassador. This will put a fire under the Obama administration to search for another candidate as well as halting the current New Mexico Lieutenant Governor Diane Denish from planning to take over. Bill Richardson has decided to stay on as Governor of New Mexico.
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